Kempis on: Sorrow of Heart

John 16:33 " I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world. ” Recently, I began a break. With the advent of the SINodality my mind was being filled with, although much truth, criticism that was beginning to turn my brain to mush. The last video I watched was with Kennedy Hall. (Some of my favorite presenters include Kennedy Hall, Dr. Anthony Stine, and Ralph Martin.) In fact, in the video, Mr. Hall suggested with all the negative chatter amongst the church, perhaps a break my be in order. In my case, it was. You see, my loyalty lies in Holy Mother Church, Christ's Church. I get perplexed when I see or hear Catholics act or speak to the contrary. As an example, I reflect back to Exodus 40. In this chapter, the last chapter of the book, illustrates how Moses set up the tabernacle and where the Ark of the Covenant was to be placed and how it was to be handled. There is so much holiness...