Kempis on: Reading the Holy Scripture

St. Jerome: "Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ." It could be argued that I prefer Thomas Kempis "Imitation of Christ" to Holy Scripture. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is no better way to know and understand God, God's Love and His Son Jesus Christ than reading the Bible. What many seem to forget is the human part of Jesus, who suffered all of the emotions we suffer. He offered each and every one up to His father in Heaven. He was glorified, yet persecuted. He was accepted, yet betrayed. He was understood and misunderstood at the same time. Yet, He set the best example possible as to how we must lead our lives. This was the influence on Thomas Kempis. Brother Kempis wrote this book in a monastery for his fellow Brothers. Not only did he write, but led by example. We may not live in a monastery as we know it and we are not part of such a brotherhood, but, in the great scheme of things, God's plan. We live in a world where we de...