Kempis on: Imitating Christ & Despising All Vanities on Earth

(Yuck. Look at that picture. If I wore that I'd have to kick my own butt!) Okay, let's get serious. "HE WHO follows Me, walks not in darkness," says the Lord (John 8:12). Imitation of Christ is a book, composed of 4 books. Book 1 is titled, THOUGHTS HELPFUL IN THE LIFE OF THE SOUL. This book contains 25 short chapters. Wisely, in my opinion, Thomas selects vainglory as the first attribute to address. His thought was, one must understand that the road to humility is blocked by vanity. So, what is vanity? When we began attending a brand new parish in Charlotte, I volunteered for everything: parish council, extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, lector, catechist and many committees. But, I didn't do it out of charity, I wanted to be noticed. "Hey, look at me. See what I'm doing in the name of the Lord?" I was vain. I eventually did not like myself and began praying for humanity. But, it took many years. Was I praying the right prayers? Was I e...