Holy Scripture with a Twist - an introduction

I grew up Catholic. When it came time to read the bible I knew two things: how to spell it and knew there were two sections… being the Old and New Testaments. I think I knew there were four Gospels, but that’s about it. This should not be a surprise to many non-Catholics. However, as I grew in my faith I realized how important scripture was. St. Jerome said it best, “ Ignorance of scripture, is ignorance of Christ.” Oh, so true. My favorite books are Jeremiah, Daniel, Proverbs, 1Kings, the 4 gospels (especially John), Acts, James, and the letters of John. I’ve read the New Testament 3 times and a good bit of the Old Testament. (Those historic books are something else, as in, difficult, for me, to comprehend.) What prompted me to read scripture was an, miraculous for me, incident in 2012 that caused me concern regarding my faith in Jesus. (That is a post for another time as it takes quite a few words to tell.) I came to the quick summation that Faith is ei...