Lessons from my Hindu Neighbors

For this post I just wanted to say something about my neighbors. I don't want to make this a long post but I do want to pay some respect to my neighbors. They are Hindu from Fiji, and very nice people. I can't complain about them. Their household consist of a mother, father, two kids as well as the elderly parents. A nuclear family who know how to take care of each other. The husband, Amitesh and his wife work, while the grandparents stay home and the kids go to school. in 2021 when my uncle Frank died these neighbors brought cases of water, and food to my aunts house on a couple occasions. And they never stopped saying "is there anything we can do for you?" Maybe it was because my aunt always made sure to give them some of the bread that we made every year for Saint Joseph's day, or her Italian cookies that everyone loved. But I think it is also that they are caring and neighborly people. When my aunt was getting sicker this family never hesitated to ask about ...