Kempis on: Sorrow of Heart

 John 16:33

"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.


Recently, I began a break. With the advent of the SINodality my mind was being filled with, although much truth, criticism that was beginning to turn my brain to mush. The last video I watched was with Kennedy Hall. (Some of my favorite presenters include Kennedy Hall, Dr. Anthony Stine, and Ralph Martin.) In fact, in the video, Mr. Hall suggested with all the negative chatter amongst the church, perhaps a break my be in order. In my case, it was.

You see, my loyalty lies in Holy Mother Church, Christ's Church. I get perplexed when I see or hear Catholics act or speak to the contrary. As an example, I reflect back to Exodus 40. In this chapter, the last chapter of the book, illustrates how Moses set up the tabernacle and where the Ark of the Covenant was to be placed and how it was to be handled. There is so much holiness in that chapter. Today, many parishes treat our own tabernacles as an after thought. That is only one example, albeit the most paramount. There are too many others.

2 Corinthians 7:10

For godly sorrow produces a salutary repentance without regret, but worldly sorrow produces death.


If you wish to make progress in virtue, live in the fear of the Lord, do not look for too much freedom, discipline your senses, and shun inane silliness. Happy is the man who can throw off the weight of every care and recollect himself in holy contrition. Happy is the man who casts from him all that can stain or burden his conscience. (my emphasis)

There comes a time when we are forced to look in the mirror and choose sides. Of course, I will always choose Christ's Church. But at what point do I be concerned with disobedience or defiance?

Kempis says we should "Fight like a man." 
This reminds me of a book I recently read, "SSPX: The Defence" by Kennedy Hall.The book outlines the confusion regarding Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Archbishop Lefebvre fought like a man as he foresaw how Vatican II would disrupt Mother Church. Yet, this wonderful and holy man was excommunicated by John Paul II. (Look where the Church is at now.)

St. John Bosco had a quote concerning this very topic:

"Many people [in authority] oppose us, persecute us, and would like even to destroy us, but we must be patient. As long as their commands are not against our conscience, let us obey them, but when the case is otherwise, let us uphold the rights of God and of the Church, for those are superior to all earthly authority."


I do not doubt that you would correct yourself more earnestly if you would think more of an early death than of a long life. And if you pondered in your heart the future pains of hell or of purgatory, I believe you would willingly endure labor and trouble and would fear no hardship. Pray humbly to the Lord, therefore, that He may give you the spirit of contrition and say with the Prophet: "Feed me, Lord, with the bread of mourning and give me to drink of tears in full measure." (my emphasis)

I cannot express enough the solace I receive from the "Imitation of Christ". While my wife may object, the monastic life seems like the life for me.

God Bless you


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