
Showing posts from August, 2023

Kempis on: Acquiring Peace and Zeal for Perfection

 John 14:7 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. I'd like to begin by asking something of you. A little exercise if you will.  Before you read any further, I would like you to close your eyes and think of a time, place and instant where you were at total peace. Have you thought about it? Now, reflect on it for a few moments.  Think about everything around you at that moment in time where nothing mattered but serenity.    Last October 13, 2022, I went to the hospital for a fusion of my L3, L4 vertebrae. The procedure was supposed to last about 75 minutes. When I woke up in recovery I was confused when I looked at the clock and saw it was 6pm. "6pm?" I asked. "How long was my surgery?" I was then informed it was a 6 and 1/2 hour surgery. There is no need to bore you with details as to the reason, but I was shocked. I immediately wiggled my toes and moved my ar...

Kempis on: Avoiding Idle Talk

  Matthew 18:15-17 “If your brother sins [against you], go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.

Kempis on: Shunning Over-Familiarity

  1 Corinthians 5:9-13 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people, not at all referring to the immoral of this world or the greedy and robbers or idolaters; for you would then have to leave the world. But I now write to you not to associate with anyone named a brother, if he is immoral, greedy, an idolater, a slanderer, a drunkard, or a robber, not even to eat with such a person. For why should I be judging outsiders? Is it not your business to judge those within ? God will judge those outside. “Purge the evil person from your midst.” (my emphasis)  

Kempis on: Avoiding False Hope and pride

Romans 5:3-5 Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us.

Kempis on: Unbridled Affections

  Joshua 24:15 "If it is displeasing to you to serve the LORD, choose today whom you will serve, the gods your ancestors served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose country you are dwelling. As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”   How do you view the goldfish jumping out of the fishbowl? Is he leaving the multitude to strike out on his own because he sees something better for himself? Is the multitude left in the bowl followers of Jesus or are they the muck the fish is trying to escape? I don't believe there is an incorrect answer. It's up to each of us to determine. But it certainly can give us food for thought. Unbridled. Free rein. Uncontrolled. Unchecked. Now, add the word 'affections' and many dangerous thoughts float around in my head. It reminds me of the times I was searching for happiness and peace, only to find that God, nothing on earth, could give me peace. I had always strived for the big beautiful home, the luxury car, ...